Refund Cancellation Policy

  • Following is the enrollment form specifically for MATRIMONY ACTIVITY managed by Shri Modh Vanik Seva Samaj, Andheri, Mumbai.

  • Please note a fee of Rs.500.00/- Per Registration is charged and is valid for a period of 3 Years.

  • On successfull enrollment & fees payment the profile does not get activated immediately. All the enrollments for matrimony services are subject to approval by Shri Modh Vanik Seva Samaj, Andheri, Mumbai. Only after their approval the candidate is allowed to access the portal.

  • In case the enrollment is rejected, the fees will be refunded by bank transfer / cheque by Shri Modh Vanik Seva Samaj, Andheri, Mumbai.

  • Each matrimonial candidate will be active in the system for a period of 3 years. After which the candidate needs to enroll again to the matrimonial system as a fresh candidate by paying the enrollment fees again.

  • The interested candidates are requested to fill up the details as listed below and note that their profile will be accessible for viewing (barring the contact details) by all registered counterpart candidates.

  • The male candidate will able to access profile (except the contact details) of female candidates only or vice versa.

  • Web Portal has a Request Token System, by which a candidate can approach a counterpart candidate by sending a Request for CONTACT DETAILS, which needs to be accepted by the counterpart candidate.

  • Each candidate gets maximum 7 Tokens at any given time, to send request to counterpart candidates.

  • Each token is valid for 10 days.

  • In case any request is accepted, rejected or not responeded, till the validity period, the token counts will be replenished.

  • Once a request is sent, the candidate cannot send request to same counterpart candidate again for a period of 10 days.

  • If the counterpart candidate has rejected the Request, then same candidate cannot initiate the request again to the same counterpart candidate. However counterpart candidate has option to send a fresh request, if they wish to reconsider the candidate.

  • Shri Modh Vanik Seva Samaj, Andheri, Mumbai does not take responsibility for any details mentioned or updated by any candidate on the matrimonial section. It is the responsibility of the candidate to mention correct & valid information on their profile. We suggest that the interested candidates shall recheck or validate the correctness of the information provided by the candidates.

  • Shri Modh Vanik Seva Samaj, Andheri, Mumbai reserves the rights to block / close the access of any active candidate at any given time with appropriate reason of rejection, without reversal of any fees.

  • *The applying candidates are requested to agree all the Terms & Conditions as mentioned above and other Terms & Conditions mentioned in a separate section of this enrollment form before submitting the form.

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